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» » » New technologies in the funeral business

New technologies in the funeral business

12-06-2019, 23:19 | Инфо-справка / Земля | разместил: Редакция ОКО ПЛАНЕТЫ | комментариев: (0) | просмотров: (1 491)

New webcast service for funerals

This successful innovative solution can allow loved ones to participate in the funeral ceremony, despite the physical absence. Sometimes it is difficult to unite all family members to participate in the ceremony because of illness, study or travel abroad. As some people may not always be able to attend the ceremony, but still want to pay homage to the deceased, leading European bureaus now offer families access to remote viewing of the funeral ceremony via webcast.

"Thanks to this service, distance no longer matters, and all important people for the deceased and his family can take part in the event, in person or remotely," comments the news Ms. Veronique Desroche, head of the Department of France. Initially this service will be offered to families who use the chapel in Victorville and Plessisville.

The principle is simple: the family of the deceased receives an access code upon request, which they can share with relatives who cannot attend the funeral. This will allow them to attend the ceremony live or on record. Specially designed for the funeral sector, this new service gives you the opportunity to see the ceremony anywhere in the world in a safe and private Internet space.

To pass a Eulogy online

It is also possible to do the opposite, that is, to deliver to the big screen a pre-recorded appeal of a missing relative or distant friend. Thus, a granddaughter who remains in London due to urgent work can still pay her last tribute to her late grandfather by attending the ceremony online."

Undoubtedly, such an innovative service in the near future will be widely used not only in France but also around the world.

Company EN.Ritual.ru it follows all the news in the field of funeral business and operates at the highest level. Among the company's clients are not only Russian citizens, but also foreign citizens who faced the death of loved ones that occurred in the territory of the Russian Federation. Among the services offered by the Bureau for foreign citizens are:

  • assistance in the application of the death;
  • removal of the deceased outside Russia;
  • organization of funerals in Russia.

In each hotel case, the Bureau will provide the necessary and careful assistance to the relatives and friends of the deceased. In some cases, psychological support will be provided. In case of appeal to EN.Ritual.ru you will be saved from the sad troubles and the careful attitude of the staff will reduce the pain of loss. No one will be left alone with their grief.

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