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» » » "Через 10 лет Израиля не будет".

"Через 10 лет Израиля не будет".

1-11-2012, 16:10 | Политика / Новости политики | разместил: VP | комментариев: (4) | просмотров: (5 794)


'In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.' - Такое заявление сделал бывший государственный секретарь Генри Киссинджер.


Эту информацию распространили многие СМИ, выглядит она как-то вот так.


Kissinger on Israel’s coming demise: Senile, prophetic or merely pragmatic?

Special to WorldTribune.com

By Alexander Maistrovoy, FreePressers.com

Henry Kissinger’s recent statement, that in 10 years Israel will cease to exist, borders on senile. Although one of his staff members denied it, Cindy Adams from New York Post insisted: “Reported to me, Henry Kissinger has stated — and I quote the statement word for word: ‘In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.’ ”

Kissinger is a controversial figure. He can hardly be suspected of excessive sympathy for Israel. He perhaps, inclines to the “syndrome of self-hatred” so fashionable nowadays in the Jewish elite. At the same time, Kissinger is not an exalted pop-diva, cheap populist or rebellious professor. He is an experienced, prudent politician who takes responsibility for his utterance.

Henry Kissinger. /atlanticwire.com

What drove him to such a dramatic conclusion? Is there a real and grave threat to Israel?

Let’s try to analyze the situation. The first impression is rather unfavorable. Israel has been in the midst of historic upheaval. The political structure of the Middle East that existed since Camp David agreement has collapsed, forming a giant cloud of dust and chaos, from which the new threatening reality can crystallize.

America under Obama is deserting the Middle East. The future of Europe becomes more vague as it loses its perspective. Iran becomes a regional power with nuclear weapons while Turkey — recently a strategic ally of Israel — craves Ottoman greatness.

A closer analysis of the situation reveals a different picture — not so bleak. Israel indeed remains an alien, backed-to-the-sea nation in a world of anarchy, religious fanaticism, rioting crowds and insane dictators. Regardless, the country has a strong and viable economy, advanced technology, modern army and flexible democratic system.

On the other hand, the Arab regimes that emerge from the remains of the collapsed autocracies are extremely unstable, as in Egypt. In some cases they will not be able to establish a state in any form for a long time, like in Syria.

They have neither financial nor intellectual resources to challenge Israel. Iran is doomed to sink deeper in the swamp of the Sunni-Shi’ite conflict (Syria and Bahrain are good examples); its economy is unilateral and vulnerable; its armaments are outdated.

A nuclear bomb is an excellent means of blackmail, but its use against Israel — given the nuclear-missile power of the latter — would end the regime and the country itself.

Erdogan’s Turkey managed to alienate all its neighbors — from Greece, Cyprus and the Balkan Christian states to Iran and the Assad regime. Kurds are the “Achilles’ heel” of the Turks and the wounds inflicted by the PKK militants are bleeding stronger.

In a way Israel goes back to antiquity. Like in the Kingdom of David, it stands alone and confronts numerous, but scattered, non-disciplined and feuding enemies.

Similar to the biblical era, Egypt is swamped in its own problems — internal intrigues and fighting with armed nomads. Deserts — Sinai and Negev — create a powerful natural buffer between two countries. Even with the help of American weaponry, the Egyptian army is scarcely ready for modern warfare, based on sudden and daring decisions.

For the weak Hashemite dynasty, like for the kingdom of Moab, the very existence of the Jewish state is the key to the relative safety in the face of hostile and aggressive neighbors. Abdullah II, like his father, Hussein, is well aware of the fact that Israel’s agony would become his own agony.

Syria is traditionally hostile to Israel, but unaided it is doomed to failure. Just like King David had slammed the pride of Aram-Damascus kings, Israel did not leave the Syrians even a slight chance of winning — neither on the ground in 1967 and 1973, nor in the air in 1982*. Also, modern Syria, the same as the ancient one, is not more than a mosaic, eclectic and shaky formation.

As the Philistines in ancient times, Hamas in Gaza and “Hizbullah” can strike painful blows to Israel, but they do not present a fatal threat to the country. Besides, today, they struggle for their own survival. Sunni radicalism threatens “Hizbullah” in Lebanon. Hamas is forced to face and confront the growing discontent of the population, on the one hand, and the Salafi groups, on the other.

At last, lax, corrupt, parasitical and clinging on international handouts the Palestinian Authority government may be trying to undermine Israel’s influence, but these attempts, as the efforts of Ammonites, cannot change the balance of power.

Iran, like Turkey, has a very long way to go to claim the role of Assyria and Babylon upon themselves.

As a result, with its powerful army and stable economy, the Jewish state, as the Kingdom of David, can maintain its security by playing with the contradictions of its enemies and by engaging in short-term alliances with its neighbors.

Russia is the only “superpower” which is theoretically capable of enhancing its influence in the region. However, on a paradoxical level, the interests of the Kremlin and Israel largely overlap.

It’s not accidental that Putin’s recent visit (the first in the Middle East after his reelection) was perceived by Jerusalem as a very successful one. The relations between the two countries are a classic example of a basic law of politics: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Moscow, like Jerusalem, has two dangerous enemies in the Middle East: bellicose Turkey, and even more belligerent Sunni Islamism.

In the long run, a fatal threat to Israel may come from the unified Arab world but it is still too far from reaching its dream of the Caliphate.

Is there any powerful force that can fatally undercut the strength of Israel? There is — it is the West.

Israel is part of the West and has associated itself with the West. The West, on the contrary, increasingly perceives Israel as a burden. This can already be considered a fait accompli for Europe.

Obama has chosen this path too. From the beginning he preferred rapprochement with the Arab world at the expense of the Jewish state. We have too many proofs of this fact: from admiration of Edward Said and fondness for Rashid Khalidi (initiator of raising funds for the Peace Flotilla in 2010) to his real policies (from the speech at the Cairo University, bowing to the Saudi monarch and the shameful shout outs to Israel to stop construction in the settlements and even in Jerusalem).

The policy and actions of both the USA under Obama and the EU have their own logic. Tectonic turmoil in the Middle East forms a new reality. In theory, it allows the West to regenerate the relations with the Arabs — the “reset” of Obama.

Logic dictates getting rid of all obstacles that prevent this reset and the betrayal of Mubarak — the cornerstone of U.S. policy in the Middle East during many years — is the writing on the wall. If getting rid of Mubarak was one of the requirements of the reset process, what will stop them from doing the same with Israel? Absolutely nothing.

The second term will loosen Obama’s hands. Israel’s economy is tied to the EU; Israel’s security and political legitimacy is based on relations with the U.S. Shut these channels and Israel will go down in few years, because it will not withstand a state of total isolation.

Israelis are accustomed to high standards of living; they cannot imagine their existence without close professional, scientific and cultural contacts with the West. Israeli military power is vastly based on American development and support systems. For example, the missile defense system “David’s Sling” for intercepting ballistic missiles in radius of 260 km., so vital to Israel, is a joint venture with the American Raytheon Company.

Cutbacks on cooperation will weaken Israel, denying its missile shield against Syria and “Hizbullah”. And this applies to all military areas.

Moreover, the West’s ostracism will give a powerful impetus for domestic conflicts — a mortal threat to the Jewish statehood: from the Kingdoms of David and Solomon to Hasmonean dynasty to Israel in the present.

Isolated and split, it will lose its binding capacity. South Africa is the example of how easy it is for the West to wipe off the map a country, which is connected to it and virtually dependent on it.

The “Munich Syndrome” is deeply rooted in the political psychology of the West: the banal shortsightedness, futility and cowardice are traditionally called “pragmatism” — and pragmatism is respected. In this context Kissinger‘s forecast is quite pragmatic.

* In the air battles of June 1982 the Syrian air force has lost 84 combat aircraft, Israel has not lost a single plane.


или так.


‘No more Israel’

  • Last Updated: 11:08 PM, September 17, 2012
  • Posted: 11:08 PM, September 17, 2012

Henry KISSINGER. Former secretary of state. Current savant of the state of the world. Do not argue with Mr. Kissinger’s know-how. He already knows how.

Middle East horror. Democratic party dissing Jerusalem. DC’s anti-Israel mentality. Obama, busy raising re-election funds, no time for beleaguered Netanyahu. The Oval Office attitude versus the Red Line. Iran’s oath to destroy our only friend in that part of the world.

Reported to me, Henry Kissinger has stated — and I quote the statement word for word: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

I repeat: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

HARVEY Weinstein on his quasi-Scientology movie “The Master” getting four-star attention: “People ask do I fear their retribution. No. I’ve made films on Nazis, Jews, blacks, gangsters, Italians, whores, gays. I’m not afraid of anybody.”

KATIE Couric. Her daytime ratings were initially huge. Reviews not. You can’t win for winning. Hit the top, and the planet hopes you slide. Having stomped on Sarah Palin, fans expected she’d walk on water, not waltz with the same stars who show on every show. People were disappointed. Result? She’s soliciting opinions from pros. But her contract’s solid. She partially loves her guru, Jeff Zucker, who partially loves her. Also, it’s earning ABC money. The program’s syndicated, and they own it.

MARIAH CAREY and Nicki Minaj. Oh, I was insanely interested reading this week’s hot exciting scoop that these “American Idol” judges were poised to maybe claw one another’s throats. Or larynxes. Oh, I was truly fascinated, besotted, with the reports. However, kindly recall that back . . . before . . . previous to said bulletins . . . my own chubby fingers typed these very sentiments for you. Fortunately, I am of a loving forgiving nature because it is truly tiring rereading my regurgitated stop-the-press stuff.

If they excel as judges, perhaps they can sit in for that black-robed maggot who ruled Kelly “Gossip Girl” Rutherford can lose her children to a German who’s not even welcome in the US.

VITO Lopez — a k a New York’s very own skunk — did not lose his taste buds over a little grope and greed. Sunday afternoon he, two females and a guy lunched at City Diner, 90th & B’way. What he ordered to feed that appetite, who knows? It wasn’t humble pie.

KOURTNEY Kardashian. Her mommy, Kris, is possibly not saying, “May her tribe increase.” Kid Kourtney has two babies thanks to non-husband Scott Disick, who’s appeared not only in the bedroom but on their reality show. You maybe read of trouble in paradise. You maybe heard she’s ticked he frolics without her.

At a private party in New York City, he met a Brazilian who’s divorced but eager for whatever life and a good-looking dude might bring. Possibly he enjoyed her Upper East Side décor because, allegedly, he spent large time admiring her lamps.

She’s suggesting she’ll tell or sell the story to tabloids.

COSMETICIANS and dermatologists get big business Thanksgiving. Before returning home to Creekball, Utah, city slickers refresh their faces so Hicksville kin don’t drone: “You look awful. Stop trying to be a star. Come back so we can feed you.”

Fashion Week was dentists. A crush at Dr. Marc Lazare’s new East Side high-tech zen office — drinks on the terrace, waterfalls in the room, designers Zang Toi, Chris Benz and hot models getting their smiles together before hitting the runway.

SEE the “Forbidden Broadway” hilarious takeoffs on “Newsies,” Sutton Foster in “Anything Goes,” the Spiderflop spoof. You’ll love it . . .“The Book of Mormon” so big at the Pantages in LA that the advance for its short run is $15 mil — and rising . . . Enough with all these diet books — ditch carbs. Eat protein. Saute soy. One chunky tried one of the novel regimes and definitely lost weight. The dog keeps burying her in the backyard.

MIDDLE America focus groups polling the coming election. Question was, considering how both presidential candidates handled Libya’s crisis and the assassination of our ambassador, how might they vote? A majority answered: “Obama’s reaction didn’t matter because in the clutch we always knew we had Hillary.”

MISS USA Olivia Culpo wearing fake hair bangs. She snagged a set of Scunci Faux Clip Ins . . . Michelle Trachtenberg shopping East Hampton’s Christopher Fischer boutique . . . Moby: “Fans run after me screaming they love my music. When I sign my autograph they’re crushed and shout, ‘But you’re not Michael Stipe.’ He’s had the same experience. Us little bald white guys get mistaken for each other.”

SOMERS Farkas is a socialite. Married to Jonathan Farkas of the Alexander’s stores money. For a dinner party, she told everyone 7 p.m. Each guest was phoned repeatedly. Three times she reminded them: “Jonathan wants to get to sleep early. Don’t be late. Be on time. Promptly 7 o’clock sharp.” Everyone showed at 7. Jonathan showed at 7. Somers arrived 7:30.

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.


Т.е. представляет из себя подобие аналитики, что будет, если...



Первым делом, конечно, делаются предположения - мол, а не впал ли дедушка в маразм?


Если нет, то зачем сказал и нет ли в этом антисемитизма? Что это, такой способ еще раз построить евреев, чтобы они не слишком расслаблялись?


Впрочем, некоторые идут дальше, считая что дедушка только озвучивает политику Обамы.

Источник: arhivarrus.com.

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  1. » #4 написал: luxostap (2 ноября 2012 02:22)
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    а по русски выложить слабо ?

    Боишься - не делай,
    Делаешь - не бойся !


  2. » #3 написал: krasnotura (1 ноября 2012 18:58)
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    Вот что говорят по этому поводу конспирологи. Если на президентских выборах победит представитель сефардов - Обама, то нападения на Иран не будет (Израиль может спать спокойно). Если победит представитель ашкеназов - Ромни, то нападают на Иран и Израилю достаётся по полной программе. Генри знает о чём говорит.


  3. » #2 написал: Opozdavshiy (1 ноября 2012 17:25)
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    Новость, скажите пожалуйста! Тот факт, что англосаксы сливают весь "золотой миллиард", включая Израиль, новость наверное только для евреев.
    Новая оболочка центрального ядра, вместо зажравшегося золотого миллиарда - "исламский мир" значительно более адекватна ценностям потребительского общества, более управляема и много менее затратна...


  4. » #1 написал: alexey34 (1 ноября 2012 17:10)
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    Еврейство являлось информационной средой, через нее проходил управляющий сигнал, теперь старую технологию выбрасывают за не надобностью.


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