Впечатляющее световое шоу наблюдают на небе в эти дни жители южной Канады и некоторых штатов США -- северное сияние. Это красивейшее явление вызвано последним пиком солнечной активности.
Как раз 14 июля телескопы космической лаборатории НАСА зафиксировали сильнейшие вспышки на Солнце. Их определили, как максимально мощные. Ученые утверждают, что сияния год от года становятся всё более интенсивными. Если раньше преобладали только зелёные с розовым цвета, то теперь отчётливо проглядываются красные тона. И последнее время сияния не безмолвствуют. Яркие вспышки полярной Авроры зачастую сопровождаются монотонным гулом или звуками, похожими на треск.
Причины таких изменений все те же -- увеличение солнечной активности, считают специалисты.
SUBSIDING STORM: The geomagnetic storm of July 14th through 16th is subsiding. Solar wind conditions are trending toward quiet, and Earth's magnetic field is responding by settling down. The remarkable 36-hour event was triggered by a CME impact on July 14th around 11 am PDT (1800 UT).
When the CME first arrived on July 14th, its effect appeared weak. However, conditions in the wake of the CME soon become stormy. On July 14-16 Northern Lights appeared in the United States as far south as Oregon, California, Colorado, Missouri, Utah, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Washington, Illinois, Kansas, South Dakota, Nebraska, Michigan and Arkansas. Travis Novitsky sends this picture from Grand Portage, Minnesota:

"Anticipating the CME's arrival on Saturday, I planned an Aurora Party with my girlfriend and a couple of friends," says Novitsky. "Just after midnight the sky erupted and suddenly we were surrounded by the shimmering, dancing lights. The intense activity continued through the rest of the night until the first light of dawn started to creep into the sky. Certainly one of the most amazing aurora nights I've ever witnessed in northern Minnesota!"
THE SOURCE OF THE DISPLAY: Big sunspot AR1520, the source of the X-flare that instigated this weekend's auroras, can attract observers even without exploding. During a quiet moment yesterday in France, it showed itself at sunset:

Photographer VegaStar Carpentier took the picture on July 15th overlooking an island near the Coast of Marseilles.
The behemoth sunspot has a beta-gamma-delta magnetic field that harbors energy for more X-class solar flares. The odds of a geoeffective eruption are decreasing, however, as the sunspot turns toward Earth. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-flares and a 15% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours.
Источник: planeta.moy.su.
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