Группа солнечных пятен 1429: грядет второе пришествие!
29 марта 2012 | 14:21
Кто помнит группу солнечных пятен 1429, которая на прошлом обороте Солнца была очень активной, по площади в 7 раз превышала площадь диска Земли и принесла серию ярких геомагнитных событий? В средине месяца она зашла за западный лимб, однако не растворилась в короне, а продолжала активную деятельность. Солнечная обсерватория SOHO 26 марта зафиксировала из ее области очередной мощный выброс энергии. Впоследствии данный факт подтвердили солнечные обсерватории STEREO-B и Spitzer, которые едва устояли на орбите, столкнувшись с ударной волной. Земля оказалась не «на линии огня». Это событие свидетельствует, что группа пятен 1429 остается активной и через неделю вновь выйдет на видимый диск. Эксперты Института прикладной геофизики им. Федорова обращают на это внимание и напоминают, что на прошлом обороте группа пятен 1429 сгенерировала 17 вспышек класса М и 3 вспышки класса Х. На противоположной стороне Солнца в ней были зафиксированы несколько мощных выбросов корональной массы. Это подтверждает – жив, курилка! Появление этой группы пятен на диске Солнца приведет к новому всплеску вспышечной активности.
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ALMOST-BLANK SUN: In case you needed a reminder that this solar cycle is the weakest in decades, take a look at the solar disk. Today it's almost blank:
Only last month, solar activity reached a fever pitch with one sunspot alone dumping enough energy in Earth's atmosphere to power every residence in New York City for two years. Such outbursts are consistent with predictions that solar maximum is only about one year away. Yet even on the threshold of Solar Max, the sun remains capable of deep quiet. Stay tuned for more ups and downs.
Returning sunspot AR1429 is just a shadow of its former self, having decayed substantially during its two week trip around the backside of the sun. Credit: SDO/HMI
RETURN OF THE SUNSPOT: Sunspot AR1429, the source of many strong flares and geomagnetic storms earlier this month, is about to re-appear following a two-week trip around the backside of the sun. Magnetic loops towering over the sun's NE limb herald the sunspot's approach:
Earlier today, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed plumes of plasma rising and falling over the limb: movie. Moreover, a pair of solar flares (C5- and C7-class) in the sunspot's towering magnetic canopy caused waves of ionization to ripple through the high atmosphere over Europe.
While sunspot AR1429 was transiting the farside, it erupted multiple times. Between March 23rd and March 27th, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) recorded four coronal mass ejections, each racing away from the sun faster than 3 million mph: movie. Collectively, these events suggest AR1429 might still be capable of potent solar activity. Stay tuned. Solar flare alerts:text, phone.
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а пока на Солнышке - ни пятнышка:
ALMOST-BLANK SUN: In case you needed a reminder that this solar cycle is the weakest in decades, take a look at the solar disk. Today it's almost blank:
Only last month, solar activity reached a fever pitch with one sunspot alone dumping enough energy in Earth's atmosphere to power every residence in New York City for two years. Such outbursts are consistent with predictions that solar maximum is only about one year away. Yet even on the threshold of Solar Max, the sun remains capable of deep quiet. Stay tuned for more ups and downs.
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Рейтинг поста:
Daily Sun: 01 Apr 12
Returning sunspot AR1429 is just a shadow of its former self, having decayed substantially during its two week trip around the backside of the sun. Credit: SDO/HMI
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Рейтинг поста:
RETURN OF THE SUNSPOT: Sunspot AR1429, the source of many strong flares and geomagnetic storms earlier this month, is about to re-appear following a two-week trip around the backside of the sun. Magnetic loops towering over the sun's NE limb herald the sunspot's approach:
Earlier today, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed plumes of plasma rising and falling over the limb: movie. Moreover, a pair of solar flares (C5- and C7-class) in the sunspot's towering magnetic canopy caused waves of ionization to ripple through the high atmosphere over Europe.
While sunspot AR1429 was transiting the farside, it erupted multiple times. Between March 23rd and March 27th, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) recorded four coronal mass ejections, each racing away from the sun faster than 3 million mph: movie. Collectively, these events suggest AR1429 might still be capable of potent solar activity. Stay tuned. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.