Reuters / Handout
Сразу в нескольких городах США зарегистрирована вспышка лихорадки Западного Нила: эксперты говорят, что это самая страшная эпидемия этой болезни, которую когда-либо переживала страна.
«Количество случаев заболевания значительно возросло за последние недели, и это свидетельствует о том, что мы находимся в самом очаге эпидемии», — заявил на этой неделе Доктор Лайл Петерсен из Центра по контролю и профилактике заболеваний США.
В 2012 году количество подтвержденных случаев лихорадки Западного Нила в США приблизилось к 1.120, что в четыре раза больше ежегодных показателей, фиксируемых на территории страны.
Департамент здравоохранения американского штата Техас сообщил, что за последнее время было выявлено 586 подтвержденных случаев заболевания. При этом вспышка уже унесла более 20 жизней – половину от общего числа погибших на всей территории США. За последние 8 лет в Техасе было зафиксировано только 10 смертей от лихорадки Западного Нила.
«Я не могу допустить еще больше смертей из-за того, что мы вовремя не предприняли необходимых мер», — заявил мэр Даласа. Для этого, в целях предотвращения дальнейшего распространения инфекции, вертолеты стали разбрызгивать над некоторыми районами Далласа инсектициды. Однако из-за этого местные жители оказались подвержены воздействию химикатов.
Лихорадка Западного Нила сопровождается такими симптомами, как головная боль и повышение температуры, а иногда такими труднопереносимыми заболеваниями, как энцефалит и менингит. Доктора говорят, что подобные тяжелые случаи составляют наибольший процент от общего числа заболевших. По словам одного американского издания, в США в этом году зафиксировано не только больше случаев заболевания, чем обычно, но при этом больше половины инфицированных страдают крайне тяжелой формой, которая часто приводит к летальному исходу.
Директор центра инфекционных заболеваний из агентства министерства здравоохранения США доктор Лайл Петерсен заявил телекомпании CNN, что середина августа – пиковое время для распространения лихорадки Западного Нила. Это означает, что большое количество американцев подвержено риску.
Для того, чтобы заразиться, обычно достаточно всего лишь нескольких недель, говорит доктор Лайл Петерсент. По его словам, жаркая погода только способствует распространению вируса, который переносят москиты. Источник:
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Конфискованные банками дома быстро приходят в запустение - в них залазят преступники с целью поиска различных принадлежностей, дворы зарастают сорняками, а бассейны превращаются в болота. Местные жители подозревают, что именно полчища комаров и москитов из этих болот повинны во вспышке лихорадки Западного Нила.
Banks letting blight take over L.A. foreclosures -- and they're getting away with it
Hundreds of foreclosed homes from Pacoima to South Los Angeles remain severely blighted by crime, neglect and swamplike swimming pools.
Yet two years after Los Angeles passed a law to fine scofflaw banks $1,000 a day for failing to fix them, not one cent has been collected, the Daily News has learned. | Related story: Studio City woman says fetid pool in foreclosed home gave her West Nile virus
And as Los Angeles slowly tinkers with its ordinance to force banks to register and maintain properties, cities across California with similar programs collect millions in fees and fines.
"It's not working," said Yusef Robb, deputy chief of staff for Councilman Eric Garcetti, whose foreclosure registry ordinance allowed code inspectors to levy stiff fines. "Because for some reason, the bureaucracies don't believe that properties that are gang-ridden and neglected are a priority.
"We passed a law, it must be enforced."
Amid a lingering economic slump, Los Angeles struggles to come to grips with foreclosure blight -- and thousands of bank-owned properties.
The city's foreclosure registry has listed nearly 18,000 homes since July 2010 with information about their bank owners or lienholders.
But because of what some say was a loophole, the banks listed tens of thousands of other foreclosed properties in a national database off-limits to the city.
And as complaints pour in about dirty pools and blighted foreclosed properties, city code inspectors have yet to fine banks up to the $1,000 a day allowable under the city foreclosure registry ordinance.
"The city hasn't done any enforcement as far as the registry," said Assistant City Attorney Tina Hess, deputy chief of complex and special litigation, who has been involved in foreclosure and code enforcement issues. "Nothing happened, nothing happened."
"I know there has not been any prosecution. I don't believe any fines have been imposed."
Last month, the City Attorney's Office filed a civil lawsuit against U.S. Bank to stop it from allowing its foreclosed properties to lapse into disrepair. Of its 1,500 foreclosed properties, according to the suit, 170 are blighted, including 37 in the San Fernando Valley.
This week, the Daily News reported on a Studio City woman who for months reported an algae-infested pool next door.
While Building and Safety inspectors ordered the bank to clean the pool, it wasn't cleaned. And the woman's blood was diagnosed last week with West Nile virus.
But the city didn't pressure Bank of America, representing property owner U.S. Bank Trust, with nearly three months of $1,000-a-day fines in accord with the new registry ordinance.
Instead, it slapped it with a $356 inspector fee and threatened it with a $1,924 fine. More fees starting at $550 could be determined at a hearing on Sept. 11.
The city simply doesn't have enough inspectors -- 88 to handle 23,000 annual complaints -- to enforce the current foreclosure law, officials say.
"Right now, we're going through our normal procedures and compliance fees," said Dave Lara, spokesman for the Building and Safety Department, tasked with policing blighted homes.
"We would need to send an inspector up there every day to enforce the $1,000 fine," he said. "It would invoke a lot of resources on our part."
Garcetti has called upon the city to revamp the ordinance to make banks pay an enforcement fee to help pay for an small army of code enforcement inspectors.
In May, volunteers from the city's largest employee union and local advocacy groups surveyed more than 4,000 homes that were foreclosed or bordering on foreclosure.
Of those, 906 properties -- or 22 percent -- showed signs of severe blight, according to SEIU Local 721.
That meant debris on the front lawn, unsecured doors, evidence of vagrants using drugs or drinking, or criminal activity. And that didn't include weeds, broken windows or dirty pools.
The union concluded that the banks weren't being held accountable under the current foreclosure registry ordinance. And that the city was losing millions in potential revenue.
Other cities, meanwhile, cash in on similar foreclosure registries.
Last year, Oakland, with more than 400,000 residents, collected $1.6 million in fines and fees. Riverside, population 300,000, collected $3 million-- and $7 million during its first year three years ago.
"No fines have been collected (in Los Angeles) at all," said SEIU Local 721 spokesman Ian Thompson. "The system's not broken: It hasn't started at all.
"The banks should clean up. And pay up. Something's not working. It could work. It should work. The city should create revenue and keep the robust services that the city deserves going."
Complaints about neglected foreclosed properties, meanwhile, pour in from across the city.
Beginning last April, Monty and Mimi Cohen began complaining about the swimming pool next to their house of 17 years in Tarzana.
Located directly across from Portola Middle School, the swimming pool at a vacant house in the 18700 block of Linnet Street had turned a dirty green -- and had become a breeding ground for mosquitoes, they said.
For months, Monty Cohen said he's contacted JPMorgan Chase, the bank's management company, the city Building and Safety Department and Los Angeles County Environmental Health Services.
And nothing was done about the unkempt pool and yard.
"I called everybody involved, and nothing happened," said Cohen, 64. "Nothing. I'm like a yo-yo, but they keep changing me from one department to another."
"I was covered, my husband was covered by mosquito bites from there," said his wife Mimi, 61, pointing at the fetid, half-filled pool across her backyard wall. "When I see the mosquitoes flying, I worry."
Informed by a reporter about the Tarzana pool, a spokeswoman for the county's mosquito abatement agency said a team will be dispatched immediately.
A spokesman for JPMorgan Chase said it appeared the Tarzana property was in the process of foreclosure, with the sale not completed to the bank.
"We'll drain and clean the pool," said bank spokesman Gary Kishner. "We're working right now to get a crew out there tonight, if not tomorrow."
Robb said it was inexcusable the city couldn't respond to nuisance properties.
He said the city must act against problem property owners.
"It's simply outrageous -- and against the law," Robb said. "We expect a homeowner to mow the lawn. How can we not expect a bank to fix a blighted green swimming pool?"
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