Астероид размером с автобус миновал Землю на расстоянии всего 362 тысячи километров
Астероид 2013 EA, размер которого от 5 до 17 м, в 11:35 мск пролетел мимо Земли. Расстояние от ближайшей точки его траектории до центра планеты составило 362 тыс. км - это чуть меньше, чем дистанция от Земли до Луны.
Объект был впервые обнаружен обсерваторией Pan-STARRS 1 на Гавайских островах 1 марта. Обозначение 2013 EA астероиду присвоил Центр малых планет Смитсоновской астрофизической обсерватории, который собирает и систематизирует данные наблюдений малых тел Солнечной системы.
Объект по своим размерам похож на челябинский метеорит, вошедший в атмосферу Земли и взорвавшийся над Южным Уралом 15 февраля. По оценкам ученых, диаметр челябинского метеорита составлял также 17 метров. При его разрушении в плотных слоях атмосферы образовалась ударная волна, которая выбила стекла более чем в 3 тыс. домов, осколки стекол и оконные рамы нанесли травмы полутора тысячам человек.
На сегодняшний день ученые обнаруживают в Солнечной системе сотни тысяч астероидов. Столкновение астероида с Землей способно вызвать пожар, землетрясение или цунами. По некоторым теориям, причиной былых массовых вымираний стали именно падения таких небесных тел на планету.
По оценкам NASA, в настоящий момент открыто всего около 10% опасных объектов, которые могут столкнуться с Землей. За подобными объектами ведется постоянное наблюдение. Ранее сообщалось, что объем Федеральной целевой программы (ФЦП) по защите России от космических угроз, рассчитанной на десять лет, составляет 58 млрд рублей.
Hang the Transit of Venus on your wall! Hubble-quality images from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory are now available as metallic posters in the Space Weather Store.
SOLAR CYCLE UPDATE: Something unexpected is happening on the sun. 2013 is supposed to be the year of Solar Max, but solar activity is lower than expected. At least one leading forecaster expects the sun to rebound with a double-peaked maximum later this year. [video] [full story]
BRIGHT COMET PAN-STARRS: Comet Pan-STARRS (C/2011 L4) is inside the orbit of Mercury, brightening as it plunges toward the sun. Observers in the southern hemisphere say they can see Pan-STARRS with the unaided eye in the evening sunset sky. Michael White sends this view from Manawatu, New Zealand:
"As Comet Pan-STARRS was setting on the southwestern horizon, its nucleus was visible to the naked eye and its tail could just be seen with averted vision," says White. "Crops in the foreground were illuminated by nearby highway lights."
Several important dates are approaching. On March 5th, Comet Pan-STARRS makes its closest approach to Earth (1.1 AU), followed on March 10th by its closest approach to the sun (0.3 AU). As Comet Pan-STARRS passes the sun, solar glare might make it difficult to see even as the nucleus vaporizes and brightens. By March 12th and 13th, the comet will reappear in the sunset skies of the northern hemisphere not far from the crescent Moon; think photo-op! Light curves suggest that the comet's brightness will peak near 2nd magnitude, similar to the stars of the Big Dipper. Check the realtime comet gallery for the latest images.
WEEKEND AURORAS: Throughout the weekend, a solar wind stream buffeted Earth's magnetic field, sparking Northern Lights around the Arctic Circle. Aurora tour guide Chad Blakley sends this report from Abisko National Park, Sweden: "Every dark night for the last five years I have gone out and patiently waited for the opportunity to see a once-in-a-lifetime aurora display. March 3rd was the night that it happened." Scroll past his photo of the apparition for the rest of the story:
"Our guests spent most of the evening photographing some very nice auroras," he continues. "Then, on the way back to the lodge the most amazing corona I have ever seen appeared and danced overhead for about five minutes. Some of our guests were in tears and others were overcome with laughter and joy. Tonight will be a night that I never forget!"
NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on March 4th as Earth exits the solar wind stream. Arctic sky watchers should remain alert for auroras. Aurora alerts:text, voice.
SDO ECLIPSE SEASON BEGINS: Twice every year, around the time of the equinoxes, Earth can pass directly between the Sun and NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), producing a series of beautiful eclipses from the point of view of the spacecraft. SDO's vernal eclipse season began on Saturday, producing a partial blackout of the sun:
During the eclipse, which was centered around 0715 UT on March 3rd, Earth covered about half of the sun. Because these eclipses typically last for only minutes each day (maximum=72 minutes), there is still plenty of uninterrupted time for SDO to monitor activity on the sun. The ongoing eclipse season will end in approximately three weeks. Between now and then, stay tuned for some rare blackouts.
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) are space rocks larger than approximately 100m that can come closer to Earth than 0.05 AU. None of the known PHAs is on a collision course with our planet, although astronomers are finding new onesall the time.
On March 4, 2013 there were 1381 potentially hazardous asteroids.
Notes: LD means "Lunar Distance." 1 LD = 384,401 km, the distance between Earth and the Moon. 1 LD also equals 0.00256 AU. MAG is the visual magnitude of the asteroid on the date of closest approach.
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