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» » » Новые землетрясения в Непале: более 1000 пострадавших

Новые землетрясения в Непале: более 1000 пострадавших

13-05-2015, 15:37 | Стихии и погода / Землетрясения | разместил: Редакция ОКО ПЛАНЕТЫ | комментариев: (0) | просмотров: (4 608)

Новые землетрясения в Непале: более 1000 пострадавших


12 мая 2015. В Непале в результате двух землетрясений магнитудой 7,3 погибли как минимум 29 человек, а более 1000 получили увечья, сообщают власти страны.


Полный масштаб разрушений пока неизвестен. Из районов, расположенных близко к эпицентру, поступают сообщения о рухнувших домах и погибших людях.

По данным сейсмологов, эпицентр землетрясения располагался в 68 километрах западнее поселка Намче-Базар на востоке страны, неподалеку от границы с Китаем и горы Эверест. Его очаг залегал на глубине 18,5 километров.

Через полчаса произошло еще одно землетрясение магнитудой 6,3.

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Как сообщили Би-би-си очевидцы, подземные толчки ощущались в столице Индии Дели, а также в Бангладеш.

Одновременно с этим в Афганистане, неподалеку от границы с Таджикистаном, произошло третье землетрясение, магнитудой 4,6. Из Афганистана сообщений о жертвах и разрушениях пока не поступало.

Около полумиллиона непальцев остались без крова над головой после землетрясения 25 апреля.
В районе Горкха, эпицентре апрельского землетрясения, зарегистрированы новые разрушения. Джен Харди, из католической благотворительной организации Catholic Relief Services сообщает, что видела, как рухнули несколько домов, пострадавших в результате апрельского землетрясения.

Развалины столицы

В столице Непала Катманду, потерпевшей значительные разрушения в результате землетрясения 25 апреля, во вторник вновь ощущались сильные толчки.

Множество людей выбежали на улицы сразу же, как только началось землетрясение, в 12:35 по местному времени (7:50 по Гринвичу). Второе землетрясение произошло в 13:00 по местному времени.

Магазины в столице закрыты. Люди пытаются найти своих родственников.

Корреспондент Би-би-си, находившаяся в момент землетрясения в автоколонне с гуманитарной помощью, написала в своём «Твиттере», что толчки ощущали в течение продолжительного времени.

В Управлении ООН по координации гуманитарных вопросов сообщили, что в ряде населённых пунктов страны обрушились здания.

Международная организация по вопросам миграции сообщает, что в городе Чаутара, расположенном к востоку от Катманду, также произошли обрушения, под завалами находятся люди. Из под завалов уже достали несколько тел погибших.

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В районе Чаутара также сошло несколько оползней.

Самолеты ВВС Индии приступили к эвакуации раненных из района Чарикот. Вертолеты морской пехоты США работают над эвакуаций пострадавших из района Ремечхап.

Аэропрот Катманду, через который в Непал поступает львиная доля гуманитарной помощи, был временно закрыт, однако газета Nepal Times сообщает, что через некоторое время аэропорт вновь заработал.

Международная помощь

Министр иностранных дел Непала Махендра Пандей заявил, что телефонная связь в стране нарушена.

Полиция Непала призвала население через соцсети не заполнять дороги, и оставаться на открытом воздухе.

В индийских районах граничащих с Непалом погибли четверо человек: один в штате Уттар-Прадеш и трое в Бихаре.

Государственные СМИ Китая сообщают, что там один человек погиб из-за того, что его автомобиль завалило камнями.

Насколько известно, в китайском Тибете также были разрушены здания.

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Некоторые международные команды спасателей, возвращавшихся домой из Непала, объявили, что готовы вновь приехать в Гималаи.

Премьер-министр Израиля Биньямин Нетаньяху, выступая на церемонии в честь возвращения в страну израильских спасателей, заявил, что они готовы вернуться в Непал в случае необходимости.

Доктор Войтек Вильк, глава Польского центра международной помощи, заявил, что его команда врачей может вернуться в Непал прямо из аэропорта Варшавы.

25 апреля в Непале произошло землетрясение магнитудой 7,9. По данным Красного Креста, жертвами того землетрясения стали более 8,4 тысяч человек, еще более 17,5 тысяч получили ранения.

Очаг нового землетрясения находился на большей глубине. Землетрясения, расположенные ближе к поверхности, такие как 25 апреля, обычно причиняют гораздо большие разрушения.

В апреле ученые предсказывали возможность повторного землетрясенияв этом регионе.

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Источник: BBC Русская Служба


Непал, жизнь на руинах

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Первые толчки магнитудой 7,3 были зафиксированы в 07:05 по времени UTC (10:05 мск). Эпицентр находился в 83 километрах к востоку от столицы Непала Катманду. Очаг землетрясения залегал на глубине 18,5 километра. После этого произошло еще шесть землетрясений, магнитуда самого сильного составила 6,3.

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Напомним, в Непале утром 25 апреля произошло разрушительное землетрясение магнитудой 7,9, эпицентр располагался в 82 километрах к северо-западу от Катманду, очаг залегал на глубине 15 километров.

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По мнению специалистов, афтершоки будут наблюдаться еще несколько месяцев, и по магнитуде могут доходить до 6 и даже 7.

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Число погибших в результате мощного землетрясения в Непале превысило 8,1 тысячи человек, сообщает полиция страны. Пострадали, по последним данным, 17868 человек.

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Подземные толчки ощущались в индийских штатах Бихар, Уттар-Прадеш, Западная Бенгалия и Ассам.

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Непальские военные эвакуировали 117 человек, застрявших в труднодоступных районах Непала после разрушительного землетрясения. Как сообщил источник, 115 граждан Непала и два американца были эвакуированы из трех деревень в районе Расува к северу от столицы страны, города Катманду. Ранее военные не могли добраться до этих труднодоступных районов из-за серии лавин и плохой погоды.

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По данным полиции, эвакуация осложняется тем, что лавинами смыло дороги, а чтобы дойти пешком до нужного района, необходимо время. Также спасателям сложно отыскать площадку для посадки самолета.

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Во время работ в Непале российские спасатели расчистили почти 54 тысячи квадратных метров завалов, провели работы по обрушению 37 аварийных конструкций, обследовали 96 зданий. Спасатели также удалили опасные конструкции и расчистили завалы на территории дипмиссии и Российского центра науки и культуры.

На фото: спасатель Центра спасательных операций особого риска «Лидер» МЧС России с лабрадором по кличке Грейс.

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Временный лагерь в центре Катманду для людей, лишившихся жилья во время землетрясения.

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Военнослужащие стоят на разрушенном здании после новых толчков в Катманду. 12 мая 2014

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Местные жители после новых толчков в Катманду. 12 мая 2015

Источник: РИА Новости


В Непале новое землетрясение: разрушенные дома и 60 погибших

12 мая 2015. Число жертв землетрясения, которое произошло в Непале, увеличилось до 57 человек, сообщает агентство ЭФЭ со ссылкой на данные непальских властей.

Кроме того, 1 129 человек получили ранения.

Ранее мощное землетрясение магнитудой 7,4 произошло в Непале. Менее чем через час после него Геологическая служба США сообщила еще о двух подземных толчках магнитудой 5 и 6,3.

Подземные толчки ощущались также в столице Индии Дели, в Китае и Бангладеш, отмечают издания.

В Непале в конце апреля произошло землетрясение магнитудой 7,9, его жертвами стали более 8 тыс. человек. Еще около 18 тыс. человек пострадали.

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epa04744647 Nepalese military personnel and volunteers clean the ruins of the damaged Machhindra Bahal temple in Bungamati, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/MAST IRHAM

epa04744647 Nepalese military personnel and volunteers clean the ruins of the damaged Machhindra Bahal temple in Bungamati, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/MAST IRHAM


epa04744817 An injured woman is moved on a stretcher at Kathmandu Airport after another powerful earthquake struck Nepal, in Kathmandu, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA

epa04744817 An injured woman is moved on a stretcher at Kathmandu Airport after another powerful earthquake struck Nepal, in Kathmandu, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA


epaselect epa04744830 An injured woman is tended to by emergency personnel at Kathmandu Airport after another powerful earthquake struck Nepal, in Kathmandu, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA

epaselect epa04744830 An injured woman is tended to by emergency personnel at Kathmandu Airport after another powerful earthquake struck Nepal, in Kathmandu, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA


epa04744948 Patients sit outside a teaching hospital after another powerful earthquake struck, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA

epa04744948 Patients sit outside a teaching hospital after another powerful earthquake struck, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA


epa04744954 A patient at a teaching hospital after another powerful earthquake struck, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA

epa04744954 A patient at a teaching hospital after another powerful earthquake struck, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA


epa04744955 An arial view from a helicopter of Dhunche, Rasuwa district, after the earthquake of 25 April, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA

epa04744955 An arial view from a helicopter of Dhunche, Rasuwa district, after the earthquake of 25 April, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA


epa04744958 A rescue team member walks on a collapsed house after another powerful earthquake struck, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA

epa04744958 A rescue team member walks on a collapsed house after another powerful earthquake struck, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA


epa04744959 Locals search near at collapsed house after another powerful earthquake struck, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA

epa04744959 Locals search near at collapsed house after another powerful earthquake struck, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA


epa04744960 A rescue team member marks a damaged house after another powerful earthquake struck, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA

epa04744960 A rescue team member marks a damaged house after another powerful earthquake struck, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA


epa04744961 Rescue team members walk on a collapsed house after another powerful earthquake struck, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA

epa04744961 Rescue team members walk on a collapsed house after another powerful earthquake struck, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA


epa04744964 Locals search for belongings from their collapsed house following the earthquake of 25 April in Dhunche, Rashuwa, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA

epa04744964 Locals search for belongings from their collapsed house following the earthquake of 25 April in Dhunche, Rashuwa, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA


epa04744965 Locals go about their daily chores following the earthquake of 25 April in Dhunche, Rashuwa, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA

epa04744965 Locals go about their daily chores following the earthquake of 25 April in Dhunche, Rashuwa, Nepal, 12 May 2015. Another earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck Nepal on 12 May 2015, prompting several buildings to collapse and injuring at least 20, officials said. More than 20 people were killed by the latest earthquake to hit the Himalayas, just 17 days after large parts of Nepal were levelled and more than 8,000 had died. The latest tremor hit 83 kilometres east of Kathmandu, near the Chinese border. EPA/HEMANTA SHRESTHA

Источник: Подробности

Источник: vseneprostotak.ru.

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