CHANCE OF FLARES: NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% chance of M-class flares and a 5% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. The most likely source would be sunspot AR1652; it has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class eruptions. The active region is circled in this Jan. 8th image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:
Of greater interest, perhaps, is the large sunspot emerging just south of AR1652. Denoted by an arrow, the unnumbered region is crackling with C-class solar flares and, based on its size, could be capable of even stronger eruptions. We will know more in the days ahead as the sunspot turns toward Earth; a more direct view will reveal what kind of magnetic field the sunspot posseses. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.
9 января. Как сообщает Space Weather, синоптики NOAA оценивают в 35% шанс для вспышек M-класса и в 5% шанс для вспышек класса X в течение следующих 24 часов. Наиболее вероятным источником может стать пятно AR1652. Оно имеет магнитное "бета-гамма" поле, которое питает энергией извержения M-класса. Однако больший интерес, пожалуй, представляет огромное пятно, только возникающее к югу от AR1652. Оно обозначается стрелкой, регион производит многочисленные солнечные вспышки C-класса, и, если судить по его размеру, оно способно к еще более сильным извержениям. Мы будем знать больше в ближайшие дни, когда пятно повернется к Земле. Прямое наблюдение покажет, какими именно магнитными полями обладает это солнечное образование.
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BIG SUNSPOT: A very large sunspot is emerging over the sun's eastern limb. Numbered AR1654, it consists of two dark cores each 3 to 4 times wider than Earth. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this picture during the early hours of Jan. 9th:
So far the sunspot is relatively quiet, producing only a smattering of low-level C-class solar flares. We will know more about AR1654's flare-producing potential in the days ahead as the sunspot turns toward Earth. A direct view will reveal what kind of magnetic field the sunspot posseses, which is a key requirement for flare forecasting. For now, NOAA forecasters are estimating a 40% chance of M-class flares and a 5% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours.
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So far the sunspot is relatively quiet, producing only a smattering of low-level C-class solar flares. We will know more about AR1654's flare-producing potential in the days ahead as the sunspot turns toward Earth. A direct view will reveal what kind of magnetic field the sunspot posseses, which is a key requirement for flare forecasting. For now, NOAA forecasters are estimating a 40% chance of M-class flares and a 5% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours.