Высказывается несколько версий: это падает горящий самолет, пылающий метеор, огненный НЛО. Все описания и догадки об объекте, который запечатлен на фото, рассматриваются в видеосюжете одной из телекомпаний ниже.
Неопознанный летающий объект был снят в Ватерлоо, Онтарио, и все наблюдатели и комментаторы в значительной степени сбиты с толку.
MAJOR FIREBALL EVENT, UPGRADED: NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office has upgraded its estimates of a major fireball that exploded over the southeastern USA on August 28th. Lead researcher Bill Cooke says " the fireball reached a peak magnitude of -13, brighter than a Full Moon, and cast shadows on the ground. This indicates that the meteoroid had a mass of over 50 kg (110 lbs) and was about 40 cm (16 inches) in diameter. It hit the top of Earth's atmosphere traveling 23.7 km/s (53,000 mph)." Watch the movie, then read more about the fireball below:
"As far as I know, this is the brightest event our network has observed in 5 years of operation," he continues. "There are reports of sonic booms reaching the ground, and data from 4 doppler radars indicate that some meteorites may have fallen along the fireball's ground track." (Note: The city in the ground track map is Cleveland, Tennessee, not Cleveland, Ohio.)
Using data from multiple cameras, Cooke has calculated a preliminary orbit for the meteoroid. The shape and dimensions of the orbit are similar those of a Jupiter-family comet. If meteorites are recovered from the Tennessee countryside, their chemical composition will tell researchers more about the origin of the fireball.
MAJOR FIREBALL EVENT: Bill Cooke of NASA Meteoroid Environment Office reports that a major fireball event occurred over the southeastern USA on August 28th. The explosion was brighter than the Moon and it might have scattered meteorites on the ground. Watch the movie, then read Cooke's full report below:
"On August 28 at 07:27 UTC (2:27 AM local time in Alabama), all six NASA all-sky cameras in the southeast picked up a very bright fireball," he says. "Its peak magnitude was approximately -11, or six times brighter than the Last Quarter Moon. This may very well be the brightest event our network has observed in 5 years of operation."
"The cameras were completely saturated, necessitating a manual solution of the fireball's trajectory and orbit," he adds. Initial results indicate that the meteoroid massed 45 kg (roughly 0.3 to 0.4 meters in diameter) and hit the top of Earth's atmosphere traveling 23.7 km/s (53,000 mph).
Cooke is currently examining doppler radar records and other data to determine where the fall zone is located.
DAYTIME METEOR OUTBURST: Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario reports an ourburst of Daytime Craterid meteors on August 28th. "The Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar is detecting about 20 meteors per hour (ZHR)," he says. "This is the first time in five years this has happened." The source of the shower is Comet Boattini (C/2007 W1). Because the comet's debris stream comes close to Earth, Jupiter and Saturn, it experiences gravitational perturbations which make the shower highly variable. Try listening to the Daytime Craterids on Space Weather Radio.
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