Недавно сообщалось, что благотворительные организации начинают работу в Британии, так как многим семьям не хватает денег, чтобы кормить своих детей.
Аналогичная ситуация сложилась и в Испании. Красный крест начинает первую кампанию по сбору средств для нуждающихся внутри страны. Сейчас им нужно собрать еду для 300 000 испанских бедняков.
Источник - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/spain/9597064/Spanish-Red-Cross-launches-first-ever-campaign-to-help-poverty-stricken-Spaniards.html
Spanish Red Cross launches first ever campaign to help poverty-stricken Spaniards
Spain's Red Cross has launched its first ever campaign to raise donations to help the growing number of poverty-stricken Spaniards needing food handouts as the nation's economic crisis deepens.
Men protest against ausyerity measures in BilbaoPhoto: AFP/GETTY
On Wednesday the charity will launch a public appeal asking Spaniards to donate to support 300,000 of the nation's most vulnerable, as an unemployment figure of 25 per cent takes its toll.
The campaign video shows a father opening an all but empty fridge before sharing an omelette made with just one egg between his son and daughter. The miserable family is cheered when Red Cross volunteers arrive at their door with a box of provisions.
The agency reported that it helped more than two million people in Spain last year with donations of food or money and that they need to raise 30 million euros (£24 million) over the next two years to help an extra 300,000 people identified as "extremely vulnerable".
The charitable organisation reports a significant change in the demographics of those seeking help since the crisis hit four years ago.
Before the crisis the majority of those seeking help at its various outreach centres across Spain were immigrants but with one in four adults now out of work, the charity has seen a dramatic rise in Spanish families, including the middle class, forced to rely on its handouts.
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