Mas pinturas rupestres en Utah en Barrier Canyon, realizadas por los indios Ute.
Petroglifos de McConkie Ranch, Utah
Dioses del Tassili, Desierto del Sahara.
Petroglifos de Death Valley, California
Astronautas de Val Camónica, Italia
Cosmonautas de Toro Muerto, Méjico
Más dibujos del Tassili, Sahara
1.Figura australiana en la piedra - humanoide con casco, traje guantes, pantalones
y unas botas que le llegan hasta las rodillas.
2.Astronauta de Ciudad Rodrigo, España
This is a photo of an ochre cave painting of a hunter (or warrior) in Kakadu National Park, Northern Australia.
San Rafael Swell, Utah. 4000-5000 years old.
Пещера в Австралии.
Пещера в Австралии.
Пещера в Австралии.
6000 г. до н.э. из Тассили, пустыня Сахара, Северная Африка
Австралия. 5000 лет назад.
Танзания. 29.000 лет назад.
Танзания. 29.000 лет назад. Обратите внимание на существо, сидящее в "коробке".
Перу. 12.000-14.000 лет назад. Существо возле какого-то аппарата.
Перу. 12.000-14.000 лет назад.
Франция. 17.000 лет назад.
Мексика. 7.000 лет назад.
Штат Юта. 5.000 лет.
Археологический музей Мексики.
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Maya Rise and Fall; Popol Vuh Museum; Guatemala City; Universidad Francisco Marroquin
Museo Nacional de Arquelogia y Ethnologia; Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes; Guatemala.
Человечек из Тлатилько.
Tairona. Pendant, 1000-1550 C.E. Gold Brooklyn Museum
Petén. Clay. height 14.8 cm Seated figure with removable helmet (Kohaw).
Caption: Ancient me'ac Maori temple, Taiohae Bay, Nuku Hiva Island, Marquesas Islands archipelago, French Polynesia, South Pacific Islands, Pacific. Photographer: Jean-Pierre De Mann. Collection: Robert Harding Picture Library.
Incense Burner Support, 600-900
Mexico, Chiapas, Palenque Region, Maya, Classic period
Head with Animal Helmet, c. 600-1000
Mexico, Gulf Coast, San Andrés Tuxtla(?), 7th-11th Century
Guerrero serpiente. Cultura mexica.
Posclásico tardío (1200-1521 dC).
Piedra tallada con restos de policromía.
Col. Museo Arqueológico del Estado de México. Dr. Román Piña Chan.
Crocodile Pendant, 1000-1550
Panama, Azuero Peninsula, Parita style, 11th-16th century Cleveland Museum of Art.
Lambayeque. Tapestry Fragment with Four Large Human Figures, 1000-1476. Camelid fiber, pigments, Textile Brooklyn Museum.
Xipe Totec is associated with many different things to the Aztecs....
Xipe was primarily a god of renewal and regeneration; symbolized by the flaying and wearing of the skins of sacrificial victims. As a god of renewal and regeneration, Xipe Totec was a god of the earth and agriculture. Renewal and regeneration is important to agricultural cultures, who often believe that rains are sent by the gods and that the fertility of the earth is god's work.
As for Xipe's involvement in cults, it has been hypothesized that Xipe's origins relate to a cult that believed that Xipe was a lord of liberation; suggesting that the skin and flesh of the human body is what is keeping the soul hostage, making Xipe Totec a lord of bondage.
Xipe Totec flayed himself to give food to humanity, symbolic of the maize seed losing the outer layer of the seed before germination. Without his skin, he was depicted as a golden god. Annually, slaves were selected as sacrifices to Xipe Totec. These slaves were carefully flayed to produce a nearly whole skin which was then worn by the priests during the fertility rituals that followed the sacrifice.
Could this be an Extraterrestrial Mummy? The photo was apparently taken back in 1972 by an archeology team from the University of Illinois while visiting a private musem in Arequipa, Peru.
While the team were viewing exhibits, they were invited to view a special room 'out the back' which is where the mummy was being housed. This photo was taken at this time by one of the team members.
According to the museum records, the mummy came from a group of locals who were scavenging what they thought were Inca tombs hidden in a nearly inaccessible cave high in the mountains near Tres Cruces. The cave was decorated with strange symbols of flying snakes exploding in the air and falling into a river.
Unfortunately when the team returned to the museum in 1996, they discovered that the museum had been burnt to the ground after thieves stole all artifacts.
According to legend, the mummy's current location remains a mystery.
Знак бога Шамаша, в вавилоно ассирийской религии и мифологии бог солнца, справедливости и оракулов.
Знак бога Ахурамазда - в мифах древних иранцев верховное божество.
Знак бога Ашшур.
Ашшур, в аккадской мифологии центральное божество ассирийского пантеона, первоначально — покровитель города Ашшур. Его именуют "владыка стран", "отец богов" и считают отцом Aнy; его жена — Иштар Ашшурская или Энлиль. Ашшур почитался как вершитель судеб, военное божество и божество мудрости.
"Человек в змее". Изображён человек внутри изогнутой змеи. Человек одет в одежду с теми же отличительными знаками, которые имеются и у змеи. Этот монумент схож по теме с другими Ольмекскими монументами, на которых изображено появление человека из зооморфных пещер или ниш. Как мы видим на фото "змея" это условное изображение космической капсулы. Руки древнего "космонавта" явно лежат на органах управления, на голове видим подобие шлемофона с наушником и микрофоном.
Foto: R.Habeck The mystery of the Nomoli When searching for diamonds in West African Sierra Leone, local people made unexpected finds: They repeatedly came across 40 to 70 cm tall stone sculptures. The origin of these so-called Nomoli is uncertain. Some were discovered at depths of 50 metres. This means that they must be about 17,000 years old. A date which does not conform to today’s archaeological knowledge. Where did the Nomoli come from? Were they left by an alien culture which disappeared long ago?
Тhis very strange artifact from Ecuador and made out of Lydite. Lydite is an exceptionally hard stone and it's nearly the same hardness as granite, notice the chair.
Symbols of Ashur, the Chief God of Assyria. The three smaller symbols are frequently found on seal cylinders and on Assyrian monuments—the symbol being generally placed above the head of the king. The central one of the three is the purer and more genuine symbol of Ashur as a solar deity—a sun disc with protruding rays. To this symbol, the warrior with the bow and arrow w as added
Uruk the first city of Sumer. Photo from the Uruk/Warka Excavation in 1929/30--Discovery of the statuette of a ‘high priest’ in a vessel. Mesopotamian city of Uruk, (modern day Warka in Iraq), brought to light the first known urban culture. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Orient Abteilung.
1st–7th century Geography: Colombia Culture: Calima (Yotoco) Medium: Gold The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Bat-Nosed Figure Pendant
Date: 13th–16th centur, Costa Rica Culture: Diquís. Gold. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
El Museo del Oro del Banco de la República. Bogotá, Colombia.
Inca Disk Coclé, Period V, 700-1000 CE, 15.24 cm (6 in.), gold
Древняя фигурка. Скрин из фильмаAncient Aliens: Chariots, Gods & Beyond, History, min. 31
This ancient stone figure, found at the Mayan ruins in Tikal, Guatemala, resembles a modern-day astronaut in a space helmet.
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