ОКО ПЛАНЕТЫ > Космические исследования > Солнечный выброс сегодня ударит по Венере и лишит ее части атмосферы
Солнечный выброс сегодня ударит по Венере и лишит ее части атмосферы25-03-2013, 12:25. Разместил: VP |
Фотография солнечного ветра получена 25.03.2013 в 06:48 МСК в оптическом диапазоне инструментом LASCO/C2 на борту спутника SOHO
FARSIDE NOT QUIET: The Earthside of the sun is quiet, but the farside is not. On March 23rd around 1300 UT, an active region in the sun's far-southern hemisphere erupted, hurling a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) over the sun's limb. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory photographed the expanding cloud:
Update: Our earlier report that Mercury is in the path of the CME was incorrect. Newly-computed 3D models based on data from SOHO, STEREO-A and STEREO-B indicate that the CME will miss Mercury and hit Venus instead. A glancing impact is expected on March 25th. Because Venus has no global magnetic field to protect it from CMEs, the impact will likely strip a small amount of atmosphere from the planet’s cloudtops. No worries, though, because Venus has plenty of atmosphere to spare. Вернуться назад |