ОКО ПЛАНЕТЫ > Оружие и конфликты > США: Военные вертолеты проводят "учения" в мегаполисах США

США: Военные вертолеты проводят "учения" в мегаполисах США

29-08-2012, 08:47. Разместил: VP

Кружащие над городом звенья вертолетов BlackHawk (типовое вооружение - 2 × 7,62 мм шестиствольных пулемёта) потрясли вчера жителей штата Миннесота, зависая подолгу над их домами (Видео снятое свидетелем из окна квартиры).  Сегодня поступил официальный комментарий - "если вы видите военные вертолеты, не тревожьтесь - они просто проводят учения в городской местности".




Civilians Told Not to Fear Blackhawks Over Minneapolis

Kurt Nimmo
August 28, 2012


Despite the admonition of our founders about the threat of standing armies, the government is now conducting high-profile military “training exercises” around the country. The latest “training in an urban environment” is occurring in Minneapolis, Minnesota.



“If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, don’t be alarmed. They’re just training in an urban environment,” reports WCCO in Minneapolis. “The U.S. Special Operations Command will be conducting exercises until the beginning of September. This week they’re using helicopters, including Black Hawks.”

It makes perfect sense the Special Operations Command is running the show. It conducts covert and clandestine missions, including psychological warfare ops. The idea is to keep the manufactured war on terror front and center and acclimate civilians to the presence of troops perpetually in their midst. Black Hawk helicopters swooping over downtown skyscrapers and mock battles on waterfronts are now spectator events.

“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty,” James Madison warned the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.

“Americans of the 18th century took a much dimmer view of the institution of a professional army,” writes historian Christopher Hamner. “A near-universal assumption of the founding generation was the danger posed by a standing military force. Far from being composed of honorable citizens dutifully serving the interests of the nation, armies were held to be ‘nurseries of vice,’ ‘dangerous,’ and ‘the grand engine of despotism.’”

Now Americans fawn over raw military power and consider war and destruction as entertainment. Instead of abhorring invasions of defenseless countries such as Iraq, unprovoked attacks and mass murder are celebrated with triumphant parades, yellow ribbons around old oak trees, self-righteously declarative bumper-stickers and other disgusting public displays. “Support our troops” has become the mindless mantra of frogs slowly boiling in the water of tyranny.

Rolling out the military every couple years for new invasions which are dutifully and reverently covered by the establishment media is not enough. Now we must be subjected to Blackhawks over our cities and armored vehicles on our roadways, to say nothing of paramilitary goons stationed at our airports and mass transit hubs. It is all part of the mass mind control and propaganda effort required to convert the nation into a military dictatorship.

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