ОКО ПЛАНЕТЫ > Новости политики > Ларуш: Принятый в США закон NDAA - аналог гитлеровского Enabling Act

Ларуш: Принятый в США закон NDAA - аналог гитлеровского Enabling Act

16-12-2011, 15:31. Разместил: VP

В четверг закон NDAA "Акт о защите нации" был принят в Сенате (86 - за, 13 - против).  Мы уже давали комментарий Рон Пола ранее  - см. "В США вводится военное положение".  Помимо возможности бросить в темницу на любой срок и без суда каждого американца, объявленного "террористом", принятый закон фактически дает возможность президенту объявить войну без согласования с депутатами любой стране "связанной с Аль-Каидой или дружественными ей силами" 

Комментарий Ларуша - этот закон является аналогом Enabling Act, принятого Гитлером в 1933, и преследует целью подготовку ввода диктатуры.  Многие из дебилов-депутатов, кто голосовал за его принятие, в некотором будущем вполне могут сами попасть в тюрьмы в качестве "военных преступников".    



LaRouche: National Defense Authorization Act Is a Hitler Law

December 15, 2011 • 10:18PM

On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act by a vote of 283-136 with 43 GOP lawmakers and 93 Democrats voting against. The Senate, which earlier passed the legislation by a vote of 93 to 7, on Thursday passed the legislation by a vote of 86 to 13. The act will then go to Obama who will sign it into law.

On several occasions Senator Levin has said it was Barack Obama himself who insisted upon the removal from the Act of a provision in his original draft to exempt U.S. citizens from military detention on U.S. soil. As the act now stands, as a direct result of Barack Obama's personal intervention, U.S. citizens can be detained indefinitely and without trial.

In addition to eliminating due process for U.S. citizens, the act also eliminates the authority of the U.S. Congress to declare war, by authorizing permanent warfare anywhere in the world against "a person who was part of or substantially supported Al Qaeda, the Taliban and (undefined) associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners."

Lyndon LaRouche today stated that the NDAA should be nullified because it violates the U.S. Constitution. As such it is comparable to the Enabling Act passed in Germany in 1933 which made Hitler a dictator by allowing departures from the constitution by the executive. It is in fact a copy of the Hitler law. If it is allowed to stand, it creates a dictatorship in the U.S. just as similar legislation made Hitler a dictator in Germany.

LaRouche continued that those Senators and Congressmen who were stupid and foolish enough to support this legislation may find themselves in the future before a war crimes tribunal as defendants.

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