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Официальные лица ООН: Третья мировая уже началась

22-11-2012, 11:18. Разместил: VP

Жан Циглер, вице-президент совета по правам человека ООН, сообщает в интервью немецкой прессе то, что постоянные читатели Aftershock знают давно - неолиберальная экономика гораздо более эффективно убивает людей, чем немецкий нацизм. Если на уничтожение 56 миллионов фашистам потребовалось 6 лет, то неолибералы делают это за год. "Для людей юга третья мировая уже началась", отметил Циглер. Он указывает на четыре основных механизма уничтожения людей при помощи голода:


1) спекуляции на еде, в том числе картелями


2) био-топливо


3) загон стран третьего мира в долги


4) свободная торговля, ведущая к деградации сельского хозяйства




UN Official Charges "Neoliberal" Monetarist System with Mass Murder Through Starvation
November 19, 2012 • 10:06AM

"German fascism took six years of war to kill 56 million people—the neo-liberal economic order easily does the same in a little more than a year," said Jean Ziegler, the Swiss national who formerly served as the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, and is now Vice President of the Advisory Committee of the UN Human Rights Council, in an interview with the Berlin left-wing newspaper Junge Welt Nov. 16.

Ziegler has just released a book entitled We Let Them Starve, Mass Destruction in the Third World, in which he describes exactly how the mass starvation is being carried out by the dominant world financial powers. "For the people of the South, the Third World War has already begun," he said.

Children are being murdered by unnecessary starvation, he charges. This is not an objective problem. There are four main mechanisms by which this is carried out:

1) Speculation in basic foodstuffs, including by the cartels

2) The increasing use of bio-fuels: "To burn hundreds of millions of tons of food on a planet where every five seconds a child starves, is a crime against humanity."

3) The indebtedness of Third World countries

4) Agricultural dumping in the Third World—also known as free trade.



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