ОКО ПЛАНЕТЫ > Новости погоды и стихий > В Южной Германии выпал снег

В Южной Германии выпал снег

24-05-2013, 16:14. Разместил: VP
Сегодня Южной Германии, в Оберхофе, выпал майский снежок. На авыходных прогноз немцев тоже не порадует - дожди, дожди, дожди...
Tables and chairs are snow covered near Oberjoch, southern Germany on May 24, 2013. Meteorologists forecast temperatures around 6 degrees and rainy weather for the coming weekend. AFP PHOTO / STEFAN PUCHNER GERMANY OUT
A flower is snow covered near Oberjoch, southern Germany on May 24, 2013. Meteorologists forecast temperatures around 6 degrees and rainy weather for the coming weekend. AFP PHOTO / STEFAN PUCHNER GERMANY OUT
A car drives on a strret in snow covered environment on May 24, 2013 in Oberjoch, southern Germany. Meteorologists forecast temperatures around 6 degrees and rainy weather for the coming weekend. AFP PHOTO / STEFAN PUCHNER GERMANY OUT

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