ОКО ПЛАНЕТЫ > Новости погоды и стихий > 2 апреля 2013 г: Мощная взрывная вспышка на Солнце, которую мы все пропустили

2 апреля 2013 г: Мощная взрывная вспышка на Солнце, которую мы все пропустили

3-04-2013, 13:22. Разместил: VP

Коронограф фиксирует 2 апреля 2013 г.быструю и мощную вспышку, о которой вряд ли будут сообщать СМИ





"до кучи":


MAGNETIC FROTH: Big sunspot AR1711 is not actively flaring. Instead, it is frothing. Sergio Castillo captured the phenomenon on April 2nd when he photographed the sun from Inglewood, California:


Castillo used a "Calcium K" (CaK) filter that passes light from singly-ionized calcium atoms in the sun's atmosphere. CaK filters are excellent detectors of magnetic froth--the bubbly, turbulent sea of magnetism that surrounds many large sunspot groups.

"It is amazing to see how much a calcium filter can show you," says Castillo. "Even 'quiet' sunspots look great."

How long will the quiet last? The sun has not produced a significant flare in more than two weeks. NOAA forecasters say the trend is unlikely to change today with only a slim 5% chance of M-flares and a 1% chance of X-class flares.




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