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Антарктический водопад (богатая железом вода окрашена в красный цвет)

7-03-2010, 13:20. Разместил: VP

AN Antarctic waterfall appears to be flowing BLOOD - but this incredible picture could actually prove the existence of life on Mars.

A crack in the Taylor Glacier seeps red water, coloured because it is rich in iron, from an ancient lake 1,300ft below the ice.


Thought to be two million years old, an eco system of microbes in the water has evolved without heat, light, or oxygen. The bacteria recycle sulphate as their only energy source.

The -5°C water is too salty to freeze. Frozen water has already been found on Mars. Expert Dylan Thuras said: "It makes you think life can survive anywhere, even on other planets."

Freak of nature ... Taylor Glacier in Antarctic
Freak of nature ... Taylor Glacier in Antarctic

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