ОКО ПЛАНЕТЫ > Статьи о природных явлениях > Солнце отметило наступление осени мощным взрывом
Солнце отметило наступление осени мощным взрывом4-09-2012, 17:39. Разместил: VP |
Самое начало осени наше светило ознаменовало гигантской вспышкой, обсерватория НАСА запечатлела это зрелище, сообщают СМИ.
MAGNIFICENT ERUPTION: A filament of magnetism curling around the sun's southeastern limb erupted on August 31st, producing a coronal mass ejection (CME), a C8-class solar flare, and one of the most beautiful movies ever recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:
The explosion hurled a CME away from the sun traveling faster than 500 km/s (1.1 million mph). The cloud, shown here, is not heading directly toward Earth, but it will deliver a glancing blow to our planet's magnetic field. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of strong polar geomagnetic storms when the cloud arrives on Sept. 3rd.
http://spaceweather.com/ Магнитные бури за последние 3 часаЗа последние 3 часа состояние магнитосферы было спокойным Магнитные бури за последние 24 часаЗа последние 24 часа произошли следующие магнитные бури
Магнитные бури за последние три дняТекущая солнечная активностьПоток радиоизлучения (10.7 см) = 142
Фотография солнечного ветра получена 04.09.2012 в 02:36 МСК
в оптическом диапазоне инструментом LASCO/C2 на борту спутника SOHO
SUBSIDING STORM: A geomagnetic storm that began on Sept. 3rd when a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field is fitfully subsiding. The impact at 1200 UT (5 am PDT) induced significant ground currents in the soil of northern Scandinavia and sparked bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. Ole C. Salomonsen photographed the display over Naimakka, Finland, on Sept. 4th: "There I was standing all alone deep in the Finish forest, just in awe of this display of light above my head," says Salomonsen. "This is just one of many images of spectacular auroras I shot on this wonderful night."
SUNSPOT AR1564: The next strong flare could be just around the corner. Sunspot AR1564 is growing rapidly and has developed a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class flares. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this picture of the active region during the early hours of Sept. 4th: NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-flares during the next 24 hours. Any eruptions will likely be Earth-directed as the active region is turning toward our planet.
Sunspot 1564 is suddenly growing. It has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI
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