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Russian vegetable oil market: state and development trends (артикул: 03689 15803)

Дата выхода отчета: 20 Апреля 2009
География исследования: Россия
Период исследования: 2009
Количество страниц: 84
Язык отчета: Русский
Способ предоставления: электронный

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    Main research objectives are:

    1. Environment and economic activity estimation in terms of analysis of business processes occurring on the Russian market of vegetable oil.
    The research period is 2004-2008.
    2. Revelation of development tendencies of the Russian vegetable oil market, expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate to it in conditions of turbulent market environment.
    The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian vegetable oil market are considered over near-term outlook.

    Information sources:

    1. Reports of the Federal State Statistic Service, and Russian Federal Customs Service.
    2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.
    3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform North-West ».

    Outlook content:

    This review is dedicated to description of vegetable oil market in correlation with oil-yielding crops market.
    The attention in review was focused on condition of vegetable oil market and role of the state and corporate sector in vegetable oil manufacture development. Manufacturers, sellers and trade turnover participants of vegetable oil in Russia are considered.
    The question of import/export vegetable oil deliveries to Russia during 2006-2008 is studied in detail.
    Also the review contains data on market trends under crisis conditions, and information on leading players of vegetable oil.

    General conclusions:

    From the middle of 2007 to the beginning of 2008 some recession was observed in the vegetable oil market because of negative volumes trend of oil-bearing plants croppage that has resulted in growth prices for raw materials and final production. Nevertheless, favorable weather in agricultural season of 2008 created preconditions for increase in offer of raw materials in the market and decline in manufacturers prices.
    As from the second half of 2008 one can observe a saturation of the vegetable oil market. In this connection, within September – November of 2008 it has already exported 132 thousand ton in comparison with 2006 that was the most productive year, as to export it has increased approximately in 2 times.
    According to experts, on the Russian market of vegetable oil works more than 100 enterprises. Though there are about 10 large players define situation in industry. The majority of these enterprises are in holdings structure and industrial companies. The largest of them are agroholding Yug Rusi trade mark Zolotaya cemechka, includes members from among solvent-extraction plant, terminals on transfer of grain and oil in the Rostov region, elevators and more than 20 agricultural enterprise in the south of Russia; APIK, “EFKO” (“Sloboda”, Altero), uniting several elevators, oil plant and solvent-extraction plant.
    During last years situation on the vegetable oil market is unstable. State intrusion in regulation of food market is required, a part of risks for the agricultural goods the state must undertake. Before beginning of agricultural works it is necessary to set minimum purchasing prices on sunflower on which the state guarantees a purchase of sunflower from agricultural manufacturer.
    Within a season of 2008/09 the further development of the Russian vegetable oil market will depend on growth of vegetable oils resources connected with a high sunflower harvest in the current year and low price level on it. Considerable reduction of prices is observed on the market of bulk vegetable oils.

  • Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта


    1    General characteristic of vegetable oils market    
    2    Specifics of vegetable oils market    
    2.1    Russian market of oil-bearing and grain crops as a basis of vegetable oils market    
    2.2    Production aspect    
    2.3    Price characteristics    
    2.4    Segmentation of vegetable oils market
    2.5    Regional aspect, specifics of distribution system    
    2.6    Estimations and participants opinions of vegetable oils market    
    3    Foreign trade turnover structure of the vegetable oil market    
    3.1    Foreign trade turnover of soya oil (commodity group 1507) in Russia in 2008    
    3.2    Foreign trade turnover of olive oil (commodity group 1509) in Russia in 2008
    3.3    Foreign trade turnover of sunflower oil (commodity group 1512) in Russia in 2008   

    4    Branch development trends of the vegetable oil market    
    5    The leaders of the Russian vegetable oil market and their characteristic    
    5.1    Leading vegetable oil  manufacturers     
    5.2    Retail trade leaders of vegetable oil    
    5.3    Active participants of foreign trade turnover of vegetable oil    

  • Перечень приложений


    1.1. Key financial figures of some leading companies on the vegetable oil market
    2.1 Croppage of grain and oil-yielding cultures in all categories of Russian Federation economy
    2.2. Areas under crops, croppage and productivity of sunflower
    2.3. Average prices on oil- bearing cultures on the world market in January-March of 2007-2008
    2.4. The largest manufacturers (top-10) of vegetable oils in Russia detailed on annual turnover
    2.5. Key financial indicators of  vegetable oil leading manufacturers on  Russian market
    2.6. The largest manufacturers (top-10) of vegetative refined oils in Russia by annual turnover
    2.7 Key financial indicators of leading manufacturers of vegetable refined oils on the Russian market
    2.8. Sale prices on vegetable oil of Х company since 18.02.2009
    2.9. Vegetable oil manufacture in Russia in 2008
    3.1. Volumes and trend of vegetable oil foreign trade turnover in 2006-2008
    3.2. Characteristic of foreign commodity codes group “Vegetable oil”
    3.3. Import and export volumes of vegetable oil deliveries in 2008 detailed on foreign commodity codes group
    3.4. Deliveries volumes of soya oil to Russia in 2008 detailed on consignors countries
    3.5. Import volume of soya oil to Russia in 2008 detailed on consignees
    3.6. Deliveries volumes of soya oil from Russia in 2008 detailed on consignees countries
    3.7. Export volumes of soya oil from Russia in 2008 detailed on consignors
    3.8. Deliveries volumes of olive oil to Russia in 2008 detailed on consignors countries
    3.9. Import volume of olive oil to Russia in 2008 detailed on consignees
    3.10. Deliveries volumes of olive oil from Russia in 2008 detailed on consignees countries
    3.11. Export volumes of olive oil from Russia in 2008 detailed on consignors
    3.12. Deliveries volumes of sunflower oil to Russia in 2008 detailed on consignors countries
    3.13. Import volume of sunflower oil to Russia in 2008 detailed on consignees
    3.14. Deliveries volumes of sunflower oil from Russia in 2008 detailed on consignees countries
    3.15. Export volumes of sunflower oil from Russia in 2008 detailed on consignors
    4.1. Resources forecast of vegetable oils in Russia for 2012


    1.1. Shares of various manufacturers on the vegetable oils market in Russia in 2008
    2.1. Manufactures trend of fat-and oil production
    2.2 Sharechanging of separate kinds of vegetable oils in total Russian resources in 2007-2008
    2.3 Trends of Russian creameries capacities and index of their use
    2.4. Trends of the European prices on vegetable oil
    2.5. Manufacture of sunflower oil, stocks and realization of vegetable oils by wholesale trade in 2008
    2.6. Shares of various regions in general Russian manufacture of vegetable oil in 2008
    3.1. Consignors countries geography of soya oil to Russia in 2008 in kind (TOP 10)
    3.2. Consignors countries geography of soya oil to Russia in 2008 in cost value (TOP 10)
    3.3. Consignees countries geography of soya oil from Russia in 2008in kind (TOP 10)
    3.4. Consignees countries geography of soya oil from Russia in 2008 in cost  value (TOP 10)
    3.5. Consignors countries geography of olive oil to Russia in 2008 in kind (TOP 10)
    3.6. Consignors countries geography of olive oil to Russia in 2008 in cost value (TOP 10)
    3.7. Consignees countries geography of olive oil from Russia in 2008 in kind (TOP 10)
    3.8. Consignees countries geography of olive oil from Russia in 2008  in cost value (TOP 10)
    3.9. Consignors countries geography of sunflower oil to Russia in 2008 in kind (TOP 10)
    3.10. Consignors countries geography of sunflower oil to Russia in 2008 in cost value (TOP 10)
    3.11. Consignees countries geography of sunflower oil from Russia in 2008 in kind (TOP 10)
    3.12. Consignees countries geography of sunflower oil from Russia in 2008 in cost value (TOP 10)


    1. Example of the brief supplemental information on a company
    2. Analysis of financial figures of a firm "X"
    3. Analysis of foreign trade activities of a firm "X"

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