ОКО ПЛАНЕТЫ > Природа > Вспышки на солнце 30.04.2012 — ВИДЕО

Вспышки на солнце 30.04.2012 — ВИДЕО

2-05-2012, 08:15. Разместил: VP


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THWARTED ESCAPE: Solar activity is low, with only a smattering of minor C-class flares coming from a few 'active regions' scattered across the solar disk. An eruption from sunspot AR1465 on April 29th didn't even get off the ground. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the thwarted escape:

It was AR1465 vs. gravity, and gravity won.

Solar activity should remain low for the next 24 to 48 hours, with no more than a 1% chance of X-class solar flares. As the movie above shows, however, even a weak eruption on the sun is worth watching. Stay tuned for more. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

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